Exposition: Extended

International expos are temporary events, held every five years, that bring individuals of all nationalities together to learn and share.

Expo sites typically consist of temporary entertainment venues, exhibits, and modular pavilions designed by contributing countries and private corporations to showcase their architectural and technical prowess. The host country’s pavilion is a central landmark of the exposition.

During the expo, the site is a vibrant, diverse community visited by millions of people. After the expo, most sites deteriorate and become forgotten. My thesis challenged this typical structure and proposed a exposition site that would be planned to transition successfully into a thriving community after the expo’s termination.

Puerto Rico fits the three major criteria for my international expo’s site: it’s located within the United States, accessible for local and international visitors, and it’s ripe for change.

Puerto Rico, once reliant on tax-reduced industry, has lost 20% of their jobs and 10% of their population with a change in tax policy. Most recently, Puerto Rico declared bankruptcy. An increase in tourism is one possible way for Puerto Rico to revive their economy. Other Caribbean countries have significantly larger tourism-focused economies and benefit greatly from visitors coming to enjoy their warm climates and beaches year-round. An international exposition will simulate development of urban spaces and infrastructure, boost international awareness of a city, and increase tourism and business.

My project resulted in a modular master plan that could be adapted into a permanent community after the exposition ended. The focal point of the community would be a host pavilion that would transition into a mixed-use community facility after the exposition ended.


“Expositions are the timekeepers of progress.

They record the world’s advancement. They stimulate the energy, enterprise, and intellect of the people, and quicken human genius. They go into the home. They broaden and brighten the daily life of the people. They open mighty storehouses of information to the student.

Every exposition, great or small, has helped to some onward step.

- President William McKinley, 1901


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